

Background: The prevalence of obesity is on the rise, and with it comes the burden on healthcare systems due to the increased likelihood of complications such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and many more. Obesity manifests in the body as an increase in adipose tissue and the production of harmful chemicals by fat cells. One of the pathological changes recorded in obesity is the excessive amount of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. An effective medication for oxidative stress and glucose metabolism regulation, including glucose variability is semaglutide. Objective: This study aims to investigate the impact of semaglutide on the hepatic oxidative stress inspired by a high-fat diet in male rats. Material and Methods: Twenty-eight Sprague Dawley rats were split into four groups; the control group, the obese control group, the obese + vehicle group, and the treatment group. The treatment group received 30 nmole of Semaglutide subcutaneous with a high-fat diet for four weeks. A blood glucose level was obtained from blood samples, oxidative stress (Malondialdehyde, Superoxide dismutase) was estimated in liver tissue and the changes in animal weight were monitored throughout the experiment. Results: the consequences of the examine demonstrated that in the obesity group, there is a considerable rise in body weight and fasting blood glucose as contrasted with the normal group. The hepatic Malondialdehyde also much improved in the obesity group, while hepatic Superoxide dismutase greatly diminished in comparison to the normal group. In the liver, the level of Superoxide dismutase considerably raised in obese rats after treatment with semaglutide. Fasting blood glucose and body weight dropped with semaglutide treatment compared with obesity group. Conclusions: Animals fed diet pellets that are high in fat caused an apparent increase in rat weight, leading to obesity. Semaglutide treatment significantly decreases both blood glucose and body weight. The outcomes of our study indicate that obese rats treated with semaglutide had a reduction in oxidative stress levels.



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