

Background: In implantology, piezosurgery is a novel and cutting-edge method of bone surgery. Various ultrasonic frequencies can be used for selective cutting, which preserves essential anatomical structures by only operating on solidified hard tissues. Piezoelectric osteotomy is a technique that can be used to precisely and safely prepare receptor sites for procedure implants, acquire bone grafts classified as autogenous (blocks and particles), perform osteotomies used for alveolar crest bone expansion, lift the maxillary sinus, and remove dental implants. Clinically and physiologically, the outcomes are outstanding, especially regarding osteocyte vitality.

Objectives: This review aims to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of piezosurgery compared to conventional surgical techniques and demonstrate its practical applications in implant dentistry through a literature review.

Method: Piezosurgery, piezoelectric surgery, ultrasonic vibration, Dental implant, and osteotomy were the search terms utilized to review the biomedical literature using PubMed and Medline, two electronic databases.

Conclusions: The procedure's significant advantages encompass precise bone cutting, preservation of soft tissues, minimal blood loss, a clear surgical area, low noise and vibration, and excellent patient comfort with utmost safety to the dental structures. With its unique ability to cut bone using ultrasonic micro-vibrations, piezosurgery offers a sophisticated and safe approach, delivering consistently reliable results.


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