

Background: the inflammation of the tonsils is known as Tonsillitis; it is a well-known clinical condition that an infection of either virus or bacteria. It significantly affects children especially.

The aim of the present study was to identify knowledge of mother toward childhood tonsillitis and to find the relationship between mothers' knowledge of childhood of tonsillitis and some variables.

Methods: A cross section study design was adopted in order to achieve the objectives of study. data collection began from 17th September 2023 until 30th January 2024. A non-probability convenience sample of 160 mothers were recruited to the study. The sample of this study comprised (160) mothers with children diagnosed with tonsillitis by a physician, all the (160) mothers attend (5) PHC in Al Najaf city, during the time of data collection, the researcher developed a structured questionnaire to collect information.

Results: The results of a study show the overall assessment was poor knowledge (86.8%) of the study sample It represents the largest proportion of the sample under study, (9.4%) of them had fair knowledge and the lowest percentage (3.8%) had good knowledge. and it had been found that a significant associated with occupation of mother and highly significantly associated with educational level.

Conclusion: The study concludes the majority of mothers were (85%) housewife. and the study concludes that the children from larger families are at high risk to infected with tonsillitis compare to those from smaller families. Regarding Knowledge level the highest percentage has poor Knowledge and only (3.8%) of mothers in Al- Najaf primary health care centers had good knowledge regarding tonsillitis.



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