

Background: Temporary anchorage devices have revolutionized fixed orthodontic appliance treatment through anchorage controlling in the clinic and play an essential role in resolving many complex cases. There is a possible risk for roots injury while using inter-radicular micro-implants, this is due to limited space. Therefore, the infrazygomatic crest area can be an alternative mini-implant insertion site in upper arch.

Objectives: To review orthodontic temporary anchorage devices (mini-implants) used in infrazygomatic crest in terms of: method of application, material, size of mini-implants, failure rate and advantage over inter-radicular mini-implants.

Sources: Internet sources, such as Google and Scholar PubMed. Selection of study: studies about the IZC regarding the use of orthodontic mini-implants.

Conclusions: Infrazygomatic crest region is selected to be alternative mini-implant insertion position in the upper arch. Infrazygomatic crest bone has a double-layered cortex and it in position close to the maxillary center of resistance, which is appropriate for mini-implant insertion and offers a strong and stable anchorage site, which could offer advantages over inter-radicular mini-implants.


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