

Osteoporosis is a common disease affecting both sex ( male and female). It is non-communicable disease characterized by silent and slowly development. That mean it start at several years before diagnosed since it is usually diagnosed when the patient have fractures or bone disease. Osteoporosis can affect people in all countries. For example, 75 millions of patients are European, American, and Japanese. Postmenopausal is the most common cause of developing osteoporosis. That is because the effect of hormonal alterations during this period. Menopausal term is used to describe woman who have amenorrhea for consecutive 12 month or more. Osteoporosis are two types: primary which is idiopathic or resulting from aging and secondary osteoporosis which resulting by presence of underling factors such as drugs, liver and endocrine disease, and organ transplantation. all these causes result in low bone mineral density. It could affect both men and women. Bone Mineral Density evaluation is considered the best method to diagnose bone weakness and evaluate fracture susceptibility. Since low bone mineral density indicate high risk of fractures. Diagnosis of the disease could be carried out by imagining and laboratory evaluations. Osteoporosis could be treated and minimized fracture risk by using appropriate agents that are available and proper use could produce good result and improve life of the patients.

Key words: Osteoporosis, bone mass density, bone mineral density (BMD), fractures, osteoclast, osteoblast.



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