

Background: Dermatophytes are humans' and animals' primary causative agents in charge of cutaneous fungal infections. Understanding the epidemic behavior of dermatophytosis, such as Tinea corporis, which specifically affects the trunk, neck, and extremities, might aid in its prevention. Aim of the study: The study aims to determine the proportion of Tinea corporis and dermatophytosis, the clinical type distribution of dermatophytosis, and participant demographics for Tinea corporis. Method: a cross-sectional study focuses on individuals diagnosed with Tinea corporis in the three general hospitals in Al-Najaf City the study takes place from April 1st to July 31st. all cases with tinea corporis are included during the period of the study. Results: In this study, 190 cases of all ages and genders were included. Dermatophytosis and Tinea corporis were found in 5.33% and 3.16% respectively among dermatology outpatient clinic attendants. Tinea corporis is the most frequent type of dermatophytosis (59.29%), while Tinea unguium is the lowest (2.06%). Females exhibit a significant association with Tinea pedis (p value= 0.002) and Tinea unguium (p value =0.009), whereas males demonstrate a significant association with Tinea cruris (p value = 0.021). The age groups 20-29 and 30-39 (20% for each), are more statically significant to affect with Tinea corporis while 60 years old or higher are the lowest (7.4%) and the mean±SD is 30.54 ± 16.77. The body mass index mean±SD of Tinea corporis study participants is 26.19 ± 6.49. 87.4% of the participants are urban area inhabitants. 63% of Tinea corporis patients are from low socioeconomic status Conclusion: Tinea corporis is the most prevalent clinical type of dermatophytosis. Females significantly demonstrate a higher prevalence of Tinea pedis and Tinea unguium compared to males. Conversely, Tinea cruris significantly exhibits a higher prevalence among males.

Keywords: Dermatology; Dermatophytosis; Tinea corporis.



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