

Background: The nurse is the individual responsible for nursing care at the several phases of the patient's presence. Due to the physically demanding nature of nurses' work, nurses experience high levels of work-related stress and burnout, insufficient job satisfaction, and poor general health. Study aims: This study aims to assess the stress level and burnout of nursing staff working in forensic medicine and better understand the nature of the relationship between work-related stress and nurses' burnout. Methodology: This study was used to answer four questionnaires from 90 male and female nurses and staff from Al Sadder Hospital in Najaf. The data was collected in 2023, and a study instrument was prepared and approved by the researcher for the direct interview to achieve the goals of the research study that contains socio-demographic data. Results: The result for together dimensions was higher for nurses without children. In other words, having no children, being a man, and never being married or divorced all appear to be connected with higher burnout rates in professional nurses. Moreover, various moderator variables might emphasize the relationships that have been examined. The study revealed there was a substantial correlation between burnout and marital status, with greater values in burnout among those who were married. Burnout and emotional exhaustion were found to be significantly correlated with the level of education. Conclusion: This study shows that moderate stress levels related to work and high burnout in nursing staff who are working in forensic medicine. So, it would be required to take into account some unique scenarios. More educated guys with knowledge in their field and nurses with professional experience were present.



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